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“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” ~ Martin Hall
Making the case to provide training to employees always seems to be a tough decision. Tougher than it really should be. Consider the following conversation between Human Resources and Finance;
Finance: “What if we train our people and they leave?”
Human Resource: “What if we don’t, and they stay?”
If we say that ‘our people are our best asset’, then shouldn’t we at least provide the same maintenance to them that we give to our machines? Upgrading the skills in the workplace is no harder a question then asking if we should change the oil in the truck. It’s simply the maintenance required to keep pace with a changing landscape.
Topics The Solution has delivered to business:
The Solution has delivered in excess of 225 programs with over 90 000 participant hours.
Change Management
- Marketing
- Transformational Leadership
- Communications
- Business Management
- Human Resources
- Financial Management
- Digital Marketing
- Customer Service
- Supply Chain Fundamentals
- Sales
- Computer Skills – Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
- Advanced Excel
- Excel for Finance
And here’s what people have had to say about that – Testimonials
The Nine Essential Skills:
Virtually all developed countries have listed the following nine essential skills as being required by all people, regardless of job description, to function in the workplace. The first three are obvious as they reflect “The Three ‘R’s”. Where do people get the remaining six? Most often they are just ‘acquired’ through life and that process is fraught with problems. From learning others mistakes, operating on instinct, which may or may not be accurate, and guesswork. The good news is that these are ‘skills‘. They can be taught, practiced and perfected. There is a better way.
All of the programs that The Solution conduct are done so with an eye on each of these skills and the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. We’re more concerned with an effective transfer of knowledge the first time. Using principles of adult education, we encourage participation to discover where knowledge gaps may exist and lead, not tell or show, people to answers.
(Click on the ‘triangle’ for more information on each of the essential skills.)
Reading is a fundamental skill involving reading and understanding written communication such as letters, memos, manuals, specifications, regulations, and reports. Reading includes:
- forms and labels if they contain at least one paragraph
- print and non-print media (for example, text on computer screens and microfiche)
- paragraph-length text in charts, tables and graphs
Writing includes:
- writing texts and writing in documents (for example, filling in forms)
- non-paper-based writing (for example, typing on a computer)
Document Use
Document Use covers a variety of information displays in which words, numbers, icons and visual characteristics are given meaning by their spatial arrangement. For example, graphs, lists, tables, blueprints, schematics, drawings, signs and labels are documents used in the world of work. Document Use includes:
- print and non-print media (for example, computer screen or microfiche documents, equipment gauges, clocks and flags);
- reading and interpreting and writing, completing and producing documents. These two uses of documents often occur simultaneously as part of the same task, e.g., completing a form, checking off items on a list of tasks, plotting information on a graph, and entering information on an activity schedule.
Numeracy refers to the use of numbers and ones capability to think in quantitative terms.
Computer Use
Computer Use indicates the variety and complexity of computers use within the occupational group.
- file structure;
- using email;
- word processing;
- spreadsheets; and
- proprietary programs.
Critical Thinking
Thinking differentiates between five different types of interconnected cognitive functions:
- problem solving;
- decision making;
- job task planning and organizing;
- significant use of memory; and
- finding information.
Oral Communication
Oral Communication skills are primarily the use of speech to give and exchange thoughts and information.
Working with Others
Working with Others recognizes that no one works completely isolated form others and how to integrate into the larger spectrum of an organization. It addresses being able to cooperate as part of a team and having the self-discipline to meet work targets while working alone.
Continuous Learning
Is the requirement for workers to participate in an ongoing process of acquiring skills and knowledge.
- knowing how to learn;
- understanding one’s own learning style; and
- knowing how to gain access to a variety of materials, resources and learning opportunities.