The Solution

Self-imposed Bureaucracy

Not all change is easy. The opposite is also true – not all change is hard. The key to anchoring any change in your culture is knowing how to handle both.

As with most problems, solving the problem is rooted in ensuring you ask the right questions to define what the actual problem is and allowing the solution to naturally flow from the answers, without bias.

“I bet that’ll work” and “Ooohh… that’s going to be tough” are sure-fire approaches to failure without doing the research. That can be as simple as a SWOT exercise (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats).

As ‘Change’ is the process of altering people’s behavior and not a ‘Project,’ we need to know where are people are starting, clearly identify what they’re going to face going through the change, and ensuring they have the tools available to get there.

You may have already walked the path of change. The people the change is being imposed on also have to walk that path. Maybe you just need to point. Maybe you’ll need to provide a compass, a machete, and rations. Figure that one out. That’s job one.